Risk management in the field of human resources
Risk management in the field of human resources
Lutfi Bdarneh
Price 100 JD
Date : 25feb, 4,11 March 2023
Time 1-5 PM
Target groups: human resource managers, their deputies and assistants, planning managers, and related persons
Program topics / themes (training content)
a- The concept of human resources.
b- The concept of risk and its management.
C- Human resources risks resulting from the internal environment of the organization:
● risks arising from employment
● Risks arising from the Human Resources Development Department
● Risks arising from labor relations management
● Risks resulting from occupational safety and health of workers.
d- Human resource risks resulting from the organization's external environment
E- The measures to be taken to address risks in the field of human resources
F- Human resources information system and its role in risk management.
G - Practical training on risk management in the field of human resources.
Training methods:
Training sessions and lectures, open discussion sessions, exercises and practical applications